Mission Possible May: Deadline Extended!

Event Details


We will now have 60 days before our designated Mission self-destructs! Rather than ending our collections at the end of one month, we will extend the timeframe to 60 days or the number of days in the corresponding 2 months.
During the month of May we are collecting books for summer reading. We will continue collecting throughout the month of June.

We’ve made a Wish List on Amazon with many of the books Pinellas County recommends for summer reading.

You can also visit the Pinellas County Schools Website for a much larger list.

Dear Christ Church Family, Due to severe weather in our area tomorrow, and out of an abundance of caution, ALL SERVICES ARE CANCELLED FOR SUNDAY AUGUST 4th. The safety of our church family and staff is of the utmost importance. Be safe, be kind, help your family and neighbors, and pray for the safety of everyone that may be affected by this storm.