About our special guest:

Dr. Wesley H. Wachob retired in June 2022 with forty-nine years of service as a United Methodist Pastor. Most recently he was the Senior Pastor of the First United Methodist Church in Pensacola, Florida for sixteen years (2006-2022). Before FUMC Pensacola, he was the Senior Pastor of Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church on the campus of Atlanta’s Emory University and was Associate Professor of New Testament and Ministry at the Candler School of Theology. He is a prolific author and has pastored churches in South Carolina, Northern Illinois, North Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. Wesley is married to Drexel Gilbert.

Dear Christ Church Family, Due to severe weather in our area tomorrow, and out of an abundance of caution, ALL SERVICES ARE CANCELLED FOR SUNDAY AUGUST 4th. The safety of our church family and staff is of the utmost importance. Be safe, be kind, help your family and neighbors, and pray for the safety of everyone that may be affected by this storm.